What is a DTPA Renal Scan? It's Cost, Results And Side Effects
DTPA Renal Scan
DTPA is a radiopharmaceutical used in a DTPA renal scan. It is basically a medicine.
A DTPA renal scan is done to check the supply of the blood, the excretion and the function of the urine from the kidneys. This test finds out the contribution of each kidney towards the functioning of the kidneys in totality. This DTPA scan results help in the evaluation of-
The functioning of the renal tubular and perfusion (the methodology using which the circulation of the body fluids take place in the kidneys)
Reno vascular hypertension(arteries of the kidneys having high blood pressure)
Renal Artery Stenosis (the arteries taking blood to the kidneys become narrow)
Renal tubular damage or obstruction and trauma(ureters become blocked or interrupted)
Renal transplant function and perfusion

How should you prepare for the test?
Prior to getting the scanning done you should have a lot of fluid to drink and should be well hydrated. You need to stop the medications of your blood pressure 4 to 7 days prior to getting your test done.
For acquiring more information about the test, you need to either consult the department of the nuclear medicine or the doctor where your scan is planned. They would give you the instructions required for the test.
What happens during a DTPA Renal Scan?
For ensuring that you are well hydrated, you’ll be given some water to drink prior to the scan. Your height and weight will also be measured.
You will be made to lie on a scanning bed. A gamma camera would be placed under your bed. It’ll be important for you to remain still as any kind of a movement would make the images blur. This would also make the scan results poor. This imaging will in no way hurt you.
An injection will be given into your vein through the cannula inserted into your vein. The radiopharmaceutical is injected through this cannula. This gets detected by the gamma camera providing a clear image of the Kidneys. Through the same cannula another injection would be given. This would be given after the scanning of 15 minutes. This injection reduces the reabsorption of the water by the kidneys and helps the kidneys to form more urine. Also the flow of urine increases through the ureters. This helps in seeing the obstruction that arises in the ureters.
After effects of the Renal Scan
There aren’t any after effects but if the dosage of Diuretic (Furosemide) is given to you for increasing the flow of your Urine, you will often feel thirsty and would have the craving of drinking water often so that you don’t become dehydrated. For emptying your bladder often you’ll have to frequently go to the toilet.
How much time does the Renal Scan Last?
Since the rate of the functioning of the kidney varies from individual to individual therefore the time also varies from individual to individual though normally it takes about 30 to 60 minutes.
Side effects of DTPA Scan
Small dosage of the ionising radiation is given very similar to the imaging tests. This small dosage being very similar to the other types of imaging tests does not have risks.
DTPA Scan Cost
Cost differs from one centre to other based on various reasons. 3H Care assures you of providing best price for your DTPA renal scan. Search for the test on our portal, compare price and book test in lab of your choice.