When is 3D / 4D Ultrasound Used in Gynecology ?
3D/4D ultrasound is a study that belongs to an expert class and is carried out by a trained expert on an ultrasound diagnostic device of an expert class. This method is used in cases where it is essential to obtain missing information about any organ in the presence of pathological changes in its structure.
3D ultrasound in gynecology is used to study the anatomy of the internal genital organs. This method is possible to evaluate all structures:
Body and cervix,
Fallopian tubes,
The ovaries.
When studying the pathology of the uterus, the 3d ultrasound is indispensable! It helps to accurately determine the localization of myoma nodes: their location relative to the uterus and adjacent organs, to obtain information about the activity of the growth process of the nodes. In the presence of endometriosis of the uterus (adenomyosis), volume reconstruction helps to establish the prevalence and severity of the disease, and the success of treatment depends on this factor.
The 3D / 4D ultrasound method is beneficial in determining the volume of the endometrium and a detailed study of its structure, which is of paramount importance for infertility and miscarriage. Indeed, the condition of the endometrium depends on the possibility of implantation of the ovum and the healthy development of a long-awaited pregnancy!
When assessing the ovaries, it is straightforward to determine the number and calculate the volume of all the follicles present at the time of inspection. 3D/4D ultrasound is indispensable in the presence of education in the ovary (cyst, tumor), in evaluating polycystic ovaries (PCOS) and in reducing ovarian reserve.
Exhaustive information is also provided by the 3D/4D method during ultrasound assessment of tubal patency. After filling the uterine cavity and the lumen of the fallopian tubes with a contrast agent, the use of the inversion mode in 3D/4D provides a “cast” of the volume under study. At the same time, the picture is so realistic and understandable for a specialist that the diagnosis of obstruction of the fallopian tubes no longer causes difficulties. An important advantage, in this case, is non-invasive, painless research and its excellent tolerance by a woman.
4d ultrasound test of the fetus is one of the newest methods of ultrasound diagnosis, which appeared with the help of modern computer technology. These studies have expanded the possibilities of an objective assessment of fetal development and provide a three-dimensional image of the child on the screen of the ultrasound scanner.

For example, with a conventional two-dimensional ultrasound, only a specialist can evaluate a “picture” on a monitor screen, while a three-dimensional ultrasound scan allows parents to see a real “photo” of a baby for the first time.
Four-dimensional research is distinguished by the fact that in addition to the volumetric image of a child (height, width, and depth of the picture), the movement of the fetus can be seen in real time. That is, a fourth dimension is added to the 3D ultrasound- time, which allows you to observe the intrauterine life of your baby.