Ultrasound During Pregnancy: 8 Most Important Rules
How is the ultrasound during pregnancy, what should be remembered when preparing for routine diagnosis, what questions to discuss the doctor about the results of the examination.
Ultrasound during pregnancy is not as simple as it seems at first glance. First, it is a very sentimental moment - to see your baby long before birth. Secondly, this is a critical stage regarding diagnosing the proper development of the child and the state of health of the pregnant woman.
Watch the deadlines
First of all, carefully monitor your gestational age and go to a Pregnancy Ultrasound examination exactly when the doctor leading your pregnancy appointed him. Because as a result of each of the three planned ultrasounds, the doctor excludes specific pathologies of the child’s development.
Choose a clinic for an ultrasound
Do not spare money and do an ultrasound in a good clinic on a modern machine. To do this, do not be lazy to find out reviews about the clinic, equipment, and doctors who do an ultrasound during pregnancy.

Specify the nuances of ultrasound during pregnancy
When recording on ultrasound, be sure to clarify some important nuances. First, whether the doctor will answer your questions. Secondly, will you take photos and video for memory and not only. For example, in some clinics, pregnant women are given a protocol with an ultrasound recording on digital media.
This is very convenient, because the future mom, in case of questions, can show this entry to another specialist and consult with him.
Consider temporary issues for an ultrasound during pregnancy
First of all, check with the husband if he also wants to be present during the procedure. Schedule a time so that you get to the clinic 10-15 minutes before the appointed time, because most likely you will have to fill out a card or any other documents.
Think over the organizational issues of ultrasound during pregnancy
Specify in the clinic a map of the passage, as well as what things and documents you need to take with you. Prepare the money. Dress comfortably- so you can quickly expose the tummy. Take paper shawls with you just in case - to wipe the gel.
Do not forget about hygiene before going to the ultrasound
Shower, clean linen, and socks, as well as neat clothes, are natural hygienic standards for visiting any doctor. Ultrasound examination is not an exception.
Do not forget the exchange card pregnant
And also take with you copies of previous ultrasounds, if such were. Probably, the Ultrasound Clinic will want to get acquainted with these documents, compare the results of ultrasound during pregnancy and give recommendations if the need arises.
Prepare answers to questions
During an ultrasound during pregnancy, the doctor is likely to ask you a few questions. Be ready to name
The first day of the last menstruation,
Duration of menstruation,
What kind of childbirth,
What ended the previous pregnancy
How much weighed/weighed the child/children at birth
Are there any congenital abnormalities in the family, for example, heart defects?