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MRI with Contrast in Top Diagnostic Labs

MRI with contrast in top diagnostic labs

MRI with contrast provides detailed information for determining the boundaries and nature of the pathological process. A safe substance is injected into the body cavity or into the bloodstream, which is apparently emitted in the magnetic fields of the tomograph. This allows us to study the area under study as thoroughly as possible. Due to the results of the study, your attending physician will be able to determine the further treatment tactics.

Before the procedure, the doctor will calculate the dose of contrast medium depending on your weight, and then introduce it - either immediately or gradually. By contrast, any organs and tissues can be examined, most often - the brain and spinal cord, internal organs, soft tissues.

What are the indications for MRI with contrast?

MRI with contrast is performed in complex or controversial cases when it is necessary to clarify the location, nature, and extent of pathology. The procedure is appointed by the attending physician or by the doctor of radiation diagnostics. With its help, you can collect additional data on the following conditions and diseases:

  • Tumors of the brain and spinal cord

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Pituitary adenoma

  • Herniated disc

  • Definition ofmetastases cancer

MRI with contrast allows finding adenomas and neoplasms in size from 2 mm, to distinguish relapse of a tumor from a cicatricle tissue after the spent operations.

Their clinics use modern magnetic resonance tomographs of expert level: Siemens MAGNETOM C! Siemens MAGNETOM Symphony, Siemens MAGNETOM Essenza 1.5T. They work with a high scanning speed, allow you to obtain high-resolution images, and the thickness of the "cut" reaches 1 mm. Special software processing enables you to create a 3D model of the body systems in real time.

These doctors have the highest and first qualification category, individually approach each patient and follow the medical standards for conducting and describing the research.

Your comfort and tranquility

MRI scan center in East Delhi make sure that you are comfortable. If you are afraid to undergo research because of fear of enclosed spaces, then you can take sedation - an easy and safe soothing narcosis.

To minimize the noise of the MR-tomograph during the study, they issue soundproof headphones or include pleasant music. Also in the office, there is a climate-control system, and for your comfort, most of the clinics use individual pads and linings.

Before, during and after the procedure, the doctors will answer any of your questions. While you are inside the MRI-device, audio communication with you is maintained continuously.

Preparation and contraindications

Preparation for MRI with contrast is the same as for other types of MRI.

MRI with contrast can be done at nursing mothers. Feeding can be continued 24 hours after the study. Before testing, it is necessary to express breast milk for feeding in the following hours.

MRI with contrast is not recommended for pregnant women.

The study is not suitable for people who have metal medical implants. Before it is carried out, you must lay out or remove all metal objects, remove the magnetic keys and cards.

MRI test labs in Delhi will always help you prepare and pass MRI with contrast as comfortably and effectively as possible.

3H Health Care Pvt. Ltd
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