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What is Liver Function Test and what are the Indications?

They are a set of biochemical tests that allow detecting the state of the different functions of the liver.

The excretion test is performed to assess hepatic excretory function and to differentiate the possible causes of jaundice. The determination of bilirubin in the blood is mainly used. Bile salts can also be determined, which will rise in blood in cases of poor biliary extraction.

The integrity of the cellular structure associated with this liver function can also be assessed by determining the enzymes g-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase, which will be elevated in blood in cases of biliary obstruction, consumption alcohol use of some drugs such as phenytoin.

Liver function tests help determine liver status by measuring levels of proteins, enzymes, or bilirubin in the blood.LFT Test cost in Delhi is not very high and thus affordable for all!

Numerous liver tests can be performed, but most do not measure total liver function. Albumin and bilirubin are the most common tests used to control liver function, which estimates how the liver generates albumin, a protein, and removes bilirubin, a waste product from the blood.

Albumin is the most critical protein produced by the liver because it is responsible for many important bodily functions, such as the following:

  • prevent leakage of blood vessel fluid

  • nourish tissues

  • transporting vitamins, hormones, and other substances throughout the body.

Using an albumin test, the quality of the production of this particular protein is measured. If the results are low, the liver does not function properly.

Bilirubin is a waste normally processed by the liver. It is generated from the disintegration of red blood cells and passes through the liver before being eliminated in the feces.

If the liver is unable to work properly, it cannot process bilirubin well, which generates too high levels of bilirubin in the blood. If the results of the bilirubin test are high, the liver does not function properly. Check the Liver Function Test cost in Delhi online before picking up any

diagnostic labs.


Liver tests are performed to determine if the liver works well. The liver is responsible for different vital organic functions, such as:

  • Eliminate the contaminating products of the blood

  • to convert the nutrients in the foods that are consumed

  • store minerals and vitamins

  • control blood clotting

  • produce proteins, enzymes, and bile

  • to generate factors that fight infections

  • remove bacteria from the blood

  • process substances that could be harmful to the body

  • maintain hormonal balance

If the liver does not function properly, it can cause severe illness and even death.

If you are suffering from liver disease systems or if you are planning a pregnancy, your doctor may prescribe a functional liver test.

Symptoms of liver disorders include the following:

  • Weakness

  • fatigue or loss of energy

  • weight loss

  • jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)

  • symptoms of nephritic syndrome (inflamed eyes, belly, and legs)

  • color changes in the stool or urine (clear stools or dark urine)

  • sickness

  • vomiting

  • diarrhea

  • abdominal pain

Different liver function tests can control infection, monitor progress or treat a disease, and check for side effects of certain medications.

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