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Arthritis: Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Arthritis is successfully diagnosed with MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). MRI allows you to get clear images of the human body without using X-rays. The MRI method uses multiple magnetic and radio waves, as well as a computer for displaying images on the screen.

What is the purpose of the MRI?

To reveal the symptoms of osteoarthritis. MRI is used efficiently to determine the degree of damage to the joints, in particular, the knee, shoulder joint, and spine.

Track the rate of the disease. Although this is not necessary, patients with arthritis periodically undergo a scan to determine the rate of the disease.

Is MRI scan safe?

Yes. MRI test scan does not pose a risk to the average person with all the necessary instructions. People can safely undergo an MRI scan after a heart surgery, and also have the following medical implants:

  • Surgical staples or stitches

  • Artificial prosthesis

  • Artificial heart valves (except Starr-Edward metal parts)

  • Insulated medical pumps

  • Filters for hollow veins

  • Shunts with edema of the brain

In some conditions, MRI test scan cost is high as well as the process is contraindicated. Inform your doctor about the presence of the following factors:

  • Pacemaker (MRI may not respond to modern pacemakers)

  • Staples in case of cerebral aneurysm

  • Pregnancy

  • An implanted insulin pump (for the treatment of diabetes), an anesthetic pump (for controlling pain), or embedded nerve stimulators from back pain

  • Metal in the eye or orbit

  • Cochlear (ear) implant with hearing impairment

  • Implanted rods for vertebral stability

  • Severe lung disease (tracheomalacia or bronchopulmonary dysplasia)

  • Gastroesophageal reflux (typical condition that causes heartburn)

  • Weight over 300 pounds

  • Inability to lie on your back for 30-60 minutes

  • Claustrophobia (phobia of closed or narrow space)

How long does it take to get an MRI?

Reserve two hoursfor an MRI. In most cases, the session takes from 40 to 80 minutes. During this time, you can get a lot of images.

What preparation is needed before an MRI?

Personal things - watches, wallet (including credit cards with magnetic tapes that can be damaged by magnetic waves) and precious jewelry must be left at home or removed before scanning. They can also be left to be stored in a locker.

How does the scan go?

During the session, you will need to wear a hospital gown.

At the beginning of the scan, you will hear a muffled sound for a few minutes. In addition to this sound, you will not experience any unusual sensations during the scan. In some cases, an MRI injection may require a contrast agent injection. It helps to find specific structures on the scanned image.

Do not hesitate to ask questions and inform the technologist or doctor if something is bothering you.

What happens after the session?

Your radiologist or the physician will discuss the results of the scan with you. You can resume your normal activities immediately after the session.

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