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What is HCCG and a Thyroid Test During Pregnancy? (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a special hormone of pregnancy, which is an important indicator of the development of pregnancy and its deviations. Chorionic gonadotropin produces chorion cells (embryonic membranes) immediately after its attachment to the uterine wall. Based on a blood test for chorionic gonadotropin, the doctor determines the presence of chorionic tissue in the body, and hence, the onset of pregnancy in a woman.

When can a study be done to determine the level of hCG?

Determining the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is the most reliable method of determining pregnancy in the early stages. Chorionic gonadotropin appears in the body of a woman from 5 to 6 days after fertilization. A common rapid test for pregnancy, which can be used by every woman at home, is also based on the definition of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, but the required level of this hormone in the urine to diagnose pregnancy is reached a few days later.

In the absence of any pathology, during the first weeks of pregnancy, the hormone level doubles every two days, and its maximum concentration is reached by 10-11 weeks of pregnancy. After 11 weeks, the level of the hormone gradually decreases.

An increase in the level of chorionic gonadotropin during pregnancy can occur when:

  • multiple fertility;

  • toxicosis, gestosis;

  • diabetes maternal;

  • pathologies of the fetus, Down's syndrome, multiple developmental defects;

  • the incorrectly established term of pregnancy;

  • Reception of synthetic gestagen s, etc.

Elevated values ​​can also be seen within a week of testing after the abortion procedure. A high level of hormone after a mini-abortion indicates a progressive pregnancy.

A low level of chorionic gonadotropin in pregnancy can mean the wrong setting of the gestational age or be a sign of serious violations such as:

  • ectopic pregnancy;

  • undeveloped pregnancy;

  • delay in fetal development;

  • the threat of spontaneous abortion;

  • chronic placental insufficiency;

  • fetal death (in the II-III trimester of pregnancy).

Determination of the level of chorionic gonadotropin is included in the triple thyroid profile test study, according to the results of which it is possible to judge the presence of some fetal development anomalies, but the exact diagnosis cannot be made. The study only reveals women who are at risk. In this case, women will need to make a serious additional examination.

When does the doctor prescribe a Thyroid test?

In addition to diagnosing early pregnancy, chorionic gonadotropin is determined by:

Among women -

  • for the detection of amenorrhea;

  • exclusion of the possibility of ectopic pregnancy;

  • to assess the completeness of induced abortion;

  • for the dynamic observation of pregnancy;

  • when there is a threat of miscarriage and suspicion of an undeveloped pregnancy;

  • for the diagnosis of tumors - chorionepithelioma, bladder skidding;

  • for prenatal diagnosis of malformations of the fetus;

In men -

  • For diagnosis of testicular tumors.

How correctly to pass the analysis of blood on a hormone hCG?

The analysis is given by taking blood from the vein, preferably in the morning and on an empty stomach. The laboratory test is recommended not earlier than 4-5 days of menstruation delay, and also can be repeated after 2-3 days to clarify the results. To identify the pathology of the fetus in pregnant women, the analysis is recommended to take from 14 to 18 weeks of pregnancy.

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