What are the Types of Obstetric Ultrasound ?
The Pregnancy Ultrasound has become one of the best allies of doctors when it comes to analyzing and monitoring a pregnancy. However, according to different factors, it will be necessary to perform one or the other type of ultrasound.
What are the types of obstetric ultrasound?
Ultrasound allows us to "see" the baby before birth, a technological advance that did not exist a few decades ago and that is an essential achievement in prenatal care. There are several types of ultrasound, in 2D, 3D, 4D and HD which we will discuss.
Thanks to ultrasound, whatever the type, future dads can see the image of their baby even before birth, and doctors can check that everything is fine in the fetus: the state of the placenta, the amniotic fluid, the neck and the uterine wall, etc. The images of the baby on ultrasound are undoubtedly exciting for the parents, who try to "decipher" what those photos show us and look for the first ones.
And although the images shown by the ultrasound can be visible and moving, we still do not know the skin tone, hair and sometimes the ultrasound can be wrong when determining the sex of the baby. Something has to be left to the ultimate surprise.

How many types of obstetric ultrasound are there?
There are two classifications of ultrasound within obstetrics: transvaginal ultrasound and transabdominal ultrasound.
Transabdominal ultrasound
This study is the best-known type of ultrasound. It consists in laying the patient down and applying a gel to the skin of her abdomen and pelvis, which will help transmit the sound waves. When the probe is passed through the area, images are obtained that are reflected on a monitor. Usually, the baby can be shown, the position in which it is, its movements and, in the occasion, its sex.
Transvaginal Ultrasound
The second type of Pregnancy Ultrasound consists of placing the probe inside the vagina of the patient, obtaining more accurate images of pregnancy.
This method is usually used to identify an intrauterine or ectopic pregnancy, and abnormalities that may be in the uterus or placenta, which are not perceived correctly with conventional ultrasound.
Likewise, this type of ultrasound is beneficial during the second trimester of pregnancy, since it allows the detection of congenital anomalies in the fetus.
When is transabdominal ultrasound used?
The traditional ultrasound can be done from the first 4 or 5 weeks of gestation, although there are those who prefer to wait a little longer to see the most formed fetus. It is suggested that if you negotiate with your doctor about the ultrasound, you will be able to know more about the health of your baby.
However, transabdominal ultrasound is usually done during the first trimester for the following reasons:
Confirm a pregnancy
Determine the age of the fetus.
Evaluate the development of the heart.
Discard problems with fertility, placenta or uterus.
Detect fetal malformations.
When is transvaginal ultrasound used?
This type of obstetric ultrasound is not usually part of the routine of prenatal studies, although it can be used in the early stages when there is suspicion of problems in the cervix or ovaries or an ectopic pregnancy. Likewise, it is a useful study for overweight women, who cannot obtain high-quality images with a traditional ultrasound.