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CT Scan of the Lungs and Bronchi

CT of the lungs and bronchi is an affordable and safe alternative to traditional X-ray examination. And although, this tomography also implies the use of irradiation, its dose is reduced several times, making it possible to do this several times a year. The image of the lung tissue is created layer by layer in several projections, which allows you to consider all the features of its structure in any plane. The image is formed using a unique computer program, which, capturing data from sensors, builds a two- or three-dimensional image.

The direction of such a survey is given by an ENT doctor or therapist with unexplained pain in the chest, prolonged, impassive cough, wheezing, gasping and expectoration of blood. This can be provoked by other pre-scans. For example, ultrasound or fluorography.


Feasibility of CT appears only when traditional methods do not give a clear picture of the disease. For full and effective treatment, it is essential to determine the condition exceptionally accurately. Tomography for this fits as well as possible. With its help it is possible to reveal:

  • Pneumonia and other inflammatory processes

  • Injuries and soft tissue ruptures

  • Internal bleeding

  • Foreign bodies in the lung cavity or the bronchi

  • Neoplasms and their nature

  • Metastases

  • Tuberculosis

  • Vascular pathology, including aneurysms and thromboses

Such a survey is also conducted before the surgery and to monitor the recovery process after it.

How do they do it?

If necessary, the patient is given a contrast agent intravenously. Further, it fits on the back or the stomach on the tomograph table - as the doctor says. The doctor himself goes to the next room, where he watches the procedure through the window. Communication with it is carried out through the built-in loudspeaker. The ring scans the surveyed area layer by layer. The process lasts 10-20 minutes and is not accompanied by any discomfort.

Using Contrast

Contrast is necessary for even more accurate visualization of soft tissues and vascular features. It is indispensable for suspected neoplasms. The fact is that any tumor has its system of blood supply. Getting into the blood, this substance identifies pathological areas of soft tissues.

Therefore, the diagnosis of cancer is becoming more accurate and reliable. The use of this substance slightly increases the time of the procedure and CT scan price in Delhi. Also, the number of possible side effects increases. Contemporary contrast is practically devoid of any shortcomings and is easily tolerated by most patients.


Preparation is needed only before using contrast. To reduce the number of unpleasant sensations and side effects, it is recommended to come to the examination on an empty stomach - to refrain from food for 4-5 hours. A few days before the test, you need to take blood tests that will help identify allergens and establish the quality of kidneys. The procedure should wear comfortable clothes without metal elements - they can distort the results of the survey, make them unreliable.


The CT scan cost in south Delhi of the lungs depends on various factors: is the contrast used, on what equipment and in what clinic is the examination, is it necessary to write to the disk and whether the 3D model is being built. The champion in value is, undoubtedly, PET CT. The procedure is still very rare and is conducted only in several clinics.

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