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Breast Screening New Technological Advances and Basic Concepts

Diagnostic screening techniques seek to detect pathologies with high impact in the general population when they have not yet manifested clinically to reduce the mortality caused by these entities. One of the fundamentals is breast screening for apparent reasons.

The use of mammography reduces mortality from breast cancer by up to 30% for the group of women within 50 and 69 years old, indicated by several publications and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, although some authors doubt these results. Mortality reduction has also been detected in the groups of 40-49 years and 70-74 years but with less evidence.

The expert doctor recommends biannual screening for women between 50-69 years. As a second priority, it also extend biannually to women aged 73-75 years and as a third priority, an annual exploration in women aged 40-45 to 49 years (due to the higher mammary density and faster growths of tumors), according to the possibilities of each region and country.

The estimated risk of breast cancer induced by radiation for mammography, based on calculations in different models, has been calculated in 1/100000 women who are screened. That risk is at least 100 times lower than the probability of avoiding death from breast cancer, so the benefits of this technique seem to be proven.

Mammography and ultrasound

Many patients find it strange to perform two techniques, mammography and ultrasound, together in the breast scan cost in Delhi diagnostic management, although it should be remembered that the findings between them are complementary, and that why their joint use.

The factor that has the most significant influence on the sensitivity of mammography is breast density, that is, the amount of breast tissue that makes a more or less clear image. That is why they have sought new diagnostic techniques that help in its diagnosis.

The application of digital mammography instead of the old radiographic plates has been an improvement in pre and peri-menopausal patients with dense breasts, but the sensitivity is still low (59%). Because of this low sensitivity, he pushed himself to the search for new diagnostic techniques. Ultrasound has shown good results in dense breasts, but its role in screening is limited. That is why chest CT scan cost in Delhi has arisen.

The tomosynthesis, also called three-dimensional mammography is one of the most recent advances. It is based on the acquisition of two-dimensional images of low radiation dose, with the breast compressed, at multiple angles by scanning the X-ray tube in a predetermined arc, allowing quasi-dimensional reconstruction of the breast in 1-mm-thick slices parallel to the detector.

The expert Diagnostic Labs in Delhi also establish the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) screening in women with a great risk of breast cancer (risk greater than or equal to 20%) according to their family history.

Finally, one of the most recent techniques under study is contrast-enhanced mammography and spectral study, similar to that performed in mammary MRI, based on tumor angiogenesis. Based on the first results obtained comparing contrast-enhanced mammography versus contrast-enhanced MRI, the former is considered an alternative in cases of contraindication of the second or non-availability of MR.

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