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Transvaginal Ultrasound; Why Should Have One ?

Transvaginal ultrasounds scan the most significant procedure for women wanting to have a baby. In the most normal conditions, the women have their first scan (abdominal and not vaginal) at the 12-week mark, once they’re pregnant. But not everyone gets pregnant. And there’s often a physical reason why. The tvs scan cost in Delhi is not as expensive as it is thought to be. It is low-cost, safe, and effective way to check:

  • cervix,

  • uterus,

  • Fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Transvaginal ultrasounds are more like a routine process during the treatment cycles. This process of scanning and its timely execution also helps in the diagnosis of a problem several months prior to conceiving a child.

What happens during the TVS ultrasound?

The probe starts with a probe in which the ultrasound wand is lubricated with gel and covered by contraceptive grade latex (condom). The wand is then inserted about three inches into the vagina. The woman who undergoes this test must not freak out as this is the normal course of the test. In the next step of the test, some harmless waves bounce off to generate computer-generated images of the pelvic organs. There are no known harmful effects of this scan which gets done within 15 minutes. Since there is no radiation technique involved, it is considered safe for pregnant women as well.

Why should you have TVS scan?

1. Find those fibroids.

Fibroids are benign growths in the uterus. 1 in 4 women have them, though they may not know it. Due to their size and position, some fibroids can deter the chances of a woman getting pregnant. Rather they can cause a miscarriage. This gets even more likelihood if the fibroids grow in the uterine cavity. A transvaginal ultrasound has the ability to detect the fibroids deep within.

2. See those cysts.

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled structures. Most are harmless and won’t hamper the process of conceiving. They develop and perish with time. However, if there is endometriomas (cysts resulting from endometriosis) or cysts due to PCOS, the fertility is probably going to get affected. Transvaginal ultrasound examinations can easily identify the ovarian cysts without the use of harmful rays.

3. Spot the lining.

TV can easily spot the uterine linings. A transvaginal ultrasound scan in delhi which is performed in the mid-cycle measures the endometrium even down to the last millimetre. If it is found to be too thin at the point of the cycle wherein it should have been fairly thick, this is considered to be the reason as to why you are not getting pregnant

4. Follow those follicles.

Transvaginal scan is crucial to women who are undergoing super-ovulation. TV scans can reach in the close quarters thereby enabling the sonographer to accurately measure the quantity and size of the developing follicles. Ideally, a patient needs one to four scans before her hCG trigger shot and egg retrieval.

5. Conception checker.

Fertility patients should always have an early (seven week) scan after a positive pregnancy test. This will check for an ectopic pregnancy, since the risk is higher following assisted reproduction. The other pregnancy problems such as blighted ovum can also be detected through TVS scan. Needles to mention, it can also detect fetal heart activity. In short, it is an optimal way to see all the abnormalities in this regard. It is advisable that all pregnant women have a seven-week scan. These early checks reduce stress and save lives.

6. Pounce on your PID.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is harmful. This may also lead to infertility. Your doctor may diagnose it based on touch and swabs. But a transvaginal ultrasound scan is a more efficacious way to identify the PID. It must be noted that an early diagnosis is the key.

8. Cross off cancer.

A TV scan is considered to be a better test than an abdominal scan as it can spot the cancer threats more accurately. The risk of cancer of the uterus, vagina, ovaries and other lower body organs is not that common but it should be checked anyway.

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