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CT and MRI for Children- FAQ

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an absolutely safe method of investigation, since it does not use ionizing radiation sources. There is no reason to worry about hypothetical harm to the child from this type of diagnosis.

When carrying out computer tomography (CT), X-rays are used, so parents' concerns are well founded. But in the medical organizations of the Moscow City Department of Health special pediatric protocols of research are used, which allow to reduce the radiation dose to the minimum harmless values. Therefore, this procedure does not have any negative impact.

Is it possible to replace the CT procedure with a safer MRI?

MRI and CT scan cost in south Delhi are two different methods of radiation diagnosis, which are not always interchangeable. They give different information about the state of health, so the question of what kind of research to conduct a child, is solved directly by the attending physician or doctor-radiologist. The biggest harm to health is caused not by a micro dose of X-rays, but by insufficient diagnostics.

Is it necessary to give children anesthesia during CT and MRI?

When CT and especially MRI is performed, it is very important that the child remains stationary throughout the procedure, otherwise the results will not be accurate or not suitable for analysis. The procedure for MRI takes an average of 20-30 minutes, which means that the child will have to lie still all this time.

As practice shows, children 5-6 years old and older are coping with this task perfectly. But patients of an earlier age are difficult to maintain immobility.

Children under 3 years of CT and MRI performed only in a hospital, under the supervision of specialists. Before the study, the child is given a sedative or an easy inhalation anesthetic,

after which he wakes up quickly and easily.

CT and MRI with contrast enhancement.

To diagnose certain diseases, a child may need to have CT or MRI with a so-called contrast - and this study should not be feared. Before the procedure, the doctor will carefully collect the anamnesis and find out all about possible contraindications. For greater safety, the study with contrast enhancement in children is carried out only in hospitals.

How to prepare a child for research?

Preparation for an MRI or CT scan cost in Delhi for a child is no different from preparing for these adult patient procedures. Before the study itself, it is necessary to remove metal objects (jewelry, barrettes, belts, watches, glasses). In the cabinet with the device cannot go with electronic devices, including a phone and a tablet. If the child's clothes have a lot of metal elements (buttons, rivets, zippers) - it is better to take with you a change of clothes, in which you can take a study.

The most important thing is to correctly set up a small patient psychologically. If the child is afraid of an unfamiliar procedure, try to explain that, first, it is necessary to preserve his health, the quality of life, secondly - painless and thirdly - it will take quite a bit of time.

It is better to warn in advance that the CT or MRI is similar to a tunnel through which the child will have to "drive". The device can produce different sounds, but there is nothing surprising in this, these sounds do not say that something is going wrong. And, of course, it is very important to remind the baby that mom, dad or another close person will be very close, ready to help, hold your hand, etc.

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