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In What Cases Does the Doctor Prescribe a CT Scan ?

CT of the child will not be administered without extreme need. But still it happens that the baby needs to be subjected to a diagnostic procedure on a tomograph, which requires certain requirements and special preparation of the child. Often it happens that the baby is injected into a state of medical sleep before the procedure, because otherwise it will not be possible to achieve clear images of the organs - it is difficult for children to lie absolutely still.

There are a lot of cases when it is necessary to perform a tomography scan. Often this happens because of the child getting injuries or congenital malformations. All of them require immediate diagnosis and adequate treatment, because the consequences of undetected problems in a timely manner a child can feel then his whole life.

For the diagnosis of birth injuries

Perinatal injuries are quite dangerous for the health of the child. In this case, a CT is administered to a child under anesthesia to detect:

  • genital tumors;

  • muscle hemorrhages;

  • fractures of bones;

  • nerve damage and much more.

Uncovered birth trauma, which was not timely eliminated, can affect the functioning of the limbs, mental development of the child, and in the most "harmless" cases manifest regular headaches, dizziness, attention disorders, etc.

For diagnosis of increased intracranial pressure

An anesthesia CT under the anesthesia of a child can be assigned to identify the causes of elevated ICP. In itself, high blood pressure is not a disease, but only a symptom. The causes can be tumors, traumas, and also inflammatory processes. In each of these cases, the cause should be identified and prescribed treatment, which will contribute to early diagnosis.

Detection of vascular anomalies, aneurysms, tumors and cysts of the brain

If there is a suspicion of tumor and other pathogenic processes in the brain, the benefits of the procedure will be greater than possible harm. Of course, any parent will be tormented by the question "Is CT harmful to a small child?" And it is important to understand that the life and health of your crumbs can depend on the valuable information received in the process of tomography.

Appearance of the first signs of mental disorder

CT scan cost Delhi[if !supportNestedAnchors][endif] of a child at 7 years of age or even earlier can be prescribed for suspected mental disorders. Tomography cannot be avoided if the preliminary diagnosis was childhood schizophrenia, mental retardation or developmental delays

Congenital malformations of the respiratory system

The issue of detecting irregularities in the functioning of the respiratory system is extremely important, since if there are such, the risks of asphyxia are significantly increased. In this situation, you can not hesitate with the survey. Many parents who have been doing CT to a child are worried about the consequences, but it's worth knowing that doctors always consider options for other survey methods.

Tumor diseases

In the event that there are suspicions of cancer, tomography is extremely necessary. Doctors will assess whether the procedure of CT for the child is dangerous, whether it is possible to choose, for example, an MRI or ultrasound for examination, and if there is no other way to determine the presence of a tumor, it will be necessary to have a tomography scan.

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system

Violations in the work of the musculoskeletal system can appear due to injuries, or be congenital. Often it happens that cost of CT scan in Delhi is necessary to detect congenital dislocation of the thigh, congenital clubfoot or curvature of the spine. It is worth knowing that without a strict prescription of a doctor, tomography is not worth taking. You also need to find out how often CT can be done to a small child, since the procedure can be conducted no more than once a year and require additional research to be carried out.

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