Learn About the Primary Indications of MRI
For a healthy person, the method of magnetic resonance imaging is practically harmless, since ionizing radiation is completely absent. The procedure is structured in such a way that a person is in a chamber where a powerful magnetic field is continuously maintained, through which radio frequency signals are transmitted, transformed with a matrix and then arriving in an image format on a computer. No harm to the human body has been medically confirmed, millions of patients have undergone the procedure, but no case of a changed state of health after it was found.
There is only one dubious inconvenience - the time spent in the magnetic chamber. Scanning can last from 15-20 to 60 minutes, all this time the patient needs to be in a stationary state. The procedure is completely painless and the magnetic field does not give any unpleasant effect.
Very often, magnetic resonance imaging is administered to people to study the condition of the spine and spinal cord. The examination helps:
Identify congenital and acquired anomalies in the development of vertebrae.
To reveal such diseases as: osteochondritis, intervertebral hernia, radiculitis, arthrosis of the intervertebral joints, protrusion of discs, etc.
Assess the condition of the spinal cord and diagnose its pinching.
Decrease the height of intervertebral discs.
Determine the presence and location of tumor formations.
Assess the degree of degenerative changes in the spine.
In this regard, the study allows you to accurately diagnose the following pathologies: protrusions and herniated intervertebral discs, osteochondritis, osteoporosis, spinal cord injuries.

Good results are obtained by MRI test center in Gurgaon when examining internal organs:
Abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space: kidney, liver, pancreas, gallstones, adrenals, spleen;
Small pelvis in women and men: ovaries, uterus, scrotum, bladder, prostate, penis, vas deferens, fallopian tubes;
Chest cavity: lungs, thyroid and parathyroid glands;
Nasopharynx: nasal sinuses, maxillary sinuses, pharynx, larynx, soft tissues of the neck.
MRI, which does not use X-rays and does not deliver irradiation, should always be preferred to CT when both techniques are available simultaneously.
MRI is the gold standard for intracranial conditions: ischemic stroke, tumors, multiple sclerosis, malformations, and degenerative brain diseases.
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MRI has found an important place for the analysis of tumoral, inflammatory or degenerative diseases of bones, joints, muscles, tendons and cartilages. Today, radiologists also use MRI to analyze abdominal tumoral pathologies (liver, kidney, pancreas,and pelvis) and certain diseases of vessels.
MRI-examination accurately and in detail visualizes soft tissues, joints and cartilages. An innovative technique enables physicians to make images of structures that are difficult to obtain by other methods of research.
Images of structures containing a small amount of water are less accurate in images. Therefore, for examination of the lungs or bones of the skeleton, magnetic resonance imaging is very rarely used.
In oncology MRI with contrasting allows to significantly increase the informative value of the procedure. Contrast substance introduced into the vein with MRI, allows to detect the tumor at the very initial stage of its development, clearly define the boundaries of the malignant tumor, its structure and consistency.