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What Are Some Of The Advantages Of PET Scan Test?

Positron emission tomography (PET) uses small amounts of radioactive materials called radiosondes, a particular camera, and a computer to help evaluate the functions of your organs and tissues. Through the identification at the cellular level of changes in the body, PET can detect the early onset of a disease before it becomes evident with other imaging tests.

Talk to your doctor if there is any chance you are pregnant or if you are breastfeeding. Your doctor will give you instructions according to the type of biopsy that will be done. Talk with your doctor about any illness, medical condition, medications you are taking, and allergies (especially to contrast media). You are likely to be told not to eat anything, and to drink only water for several hours before your exploration. Leave the jewels at home and wear loose and comfortable clothes. You could be asked to put on a robe.

In several centers, nuclear medicine images can be superimposed with computed tomography (CT) or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to produce various views, a practice known as image fusion or co-registration. These views allow information corresponding to two different examinations to be correlated and interpreted in a single image, providing more accurate information and more accurate diagnoses.

Also, manufacturers now manufacture single-photon emission units of computed tomography / computed tomography (SPECT / CT) and tomography/positron emission computed tomography (PET / CT) with the ability to perform both imaging tests at the same time. An emerging imaging technology, but one that is not currently available, is PET / MRI.

A PET CT scan measures relevant bodily functions, such as blood flow, oxygen use, and sugar (glucose) metabolism, to help doctors evaluate the proper role of organs and tissues.

PET CT Scan Advantage

  • It is more effective in diagnosis and oncological treatment than the existing tests.

  • Helps to choose a treatment more suited to the specific situation of the patient.

  • It allows to know how the patient is with greater precision and reliability.

  • Rapidity in the results. The results are known the same day of being tested and are usually made known to the patient the next day.

  • Although glucose is radioactive, this test does not exist scientific proof that it is causing a damage to the body of the person who is exposed.

  • In fact they are very low amounts that are easily eliminated and that remain only 110 minutes in the body. Right now, it's like any other use in radiation medicine, like mammography or simple chest plate.

  • The only contraindication is that it should not be done to pregnant women because they have to take special care to undergo any exploration that involves radiation.

  • Some difficulty while having PET CT scan that may arise is in claustrophobic people. The PET TAC machine is more spacious and open than the resonance machine, but sometimes the patient feels anguish and a little sedation is put on them so they are not nervous.

  • It can even be practiced in diabetic patients because the glucose they put is in such small amounts that they are not pharmacologically active.


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